Eating to lower cholesterol

From my research on the lower of Cholestrol.

The Vege like Celery would help.

In facts most of the Green Vege do help, I am also told that Peanut Butter have the Niacine to low Cholestrol.

Certain people cannot take Bean or Nuts because of gout.

Take more cereal like oat meal.

So for your Great health please take care of what you eat.

Eating to lower cholesterol
By Harvard Health Publications

Don’t think a healthy diet can do much for high cholesterol? Think again. Combining several changes known to affect cholesterol can work as well as drugs do.

Although "low fat" has long been the main component of most cholesterol-lowering diets, other approaches work too. Eating soluble fiber from oats, beans, fruits, and other plants can reduce cholesterol levels. So can soy protein and plant-made cousins of cholesterol called plant sterols, which are found mainly in special margarine-like spreads. All of these have been endorsed by the American Heart Association, and the FDA lets food makers claim on package labels that products containing them lower cholesterol. Certain nuts (see "Healthy eating may get nutty," Harvard Heart Letter, October 2003) may also be good for the heart.

What would happen if you combined these dietary strategies? A Canadian study found that a meatless diet heavy in fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, soy protein, almonds, and plant sterols lowered LDL (bad) cholesterol a stunning 30%, or just as much as a low-fat diet plus a cholesterol-lowering statin. If kept up long-term, such a reduction would cut in half the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. The results appeared in the July 23/30, 2003, Journal of the American Medical Association.

A diet like this is certainly more work than popping a daily statin. And it would mean getting used to new textures and flavors from foods such as tofu, oat bran bread, and psyllium seeds. But it avoids the risk of muscle problems and other side effects that plague some people who take statins.

If you have high cholesterol and would like to lower it without drugs, there are more options than ever. Experimenting with what you eat could spare you the expense, and the possible side effects, of a cholesterol-lowering drug.
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MSN Health & Fitness - Eating to lower cholesterol
