Fitness for an Active Life

My own research is that:-

Collagen Cannot be sustain by itself. It have to be consumed together with Elastine.

Even in the case of application on the face or skin, it have to be mix the collagen & elastine. The Ravees Collagen & Elastine is Retail at $150.00each

The human skin collagen cell most identical to the Pig Skin Collagen.

After reading the Food Sutra on the Chemistry of Fire Temperature. I understand that the LDL is burn of after 2.00 hour of slow fire, & the Skin Collagen would be dissolved & release to the soup.

No wonder the Sung Dynasty Prime Minister Su Dong Poi like to eat Dong Poi Pork

Fitness for an Active Life

From a nutritional and physiological point of view the use of GELITA® Collagen-Hydrolysates is meaningful.

Fitness, wellness and maintenance of health are becoming increasingly important. These can only be achieved if there is a good balance between physical activity and nutrition. Recent nutritional recommendations justifiably indicate the importance of dietary protein.

This is reflected in the current popularity of so-called “low-carb" diets and in the importance of the glycemic index* of particular foodstuffs. Collagen hydrolysate finds particular use in such diets and hence makes an important contribution towards the development of suitable products.

GELITA® Collagen-Hydrolysate ...
... is pure collagenous protein and contains neither carbohydrate nor fat. It has practically no allergenic potential and is readily digested by the body. Thanks to its excellent sensory and functional properties, collagen hydrolysate can be used as an ingredient in numerous types of products like protein bars, instant drinks etc..

Proteins ...
... are important for the renewal of cells and the formation of the body's own proteins. This function cannot be taken on by any other nutrient. Thus, if an inadequate amount of nutrient protein is taken in, the body's own reserves of protein are used. Different proteins are required for the renewal of different types of cell. For the formation and strengthening of cartilage, bones and ligaments, collagen hydrolysate can be selectively taken in with food.

Nutritional values for gelatine hydrolysate:

Calories 350 kcal/100g1,500 kj/100g
Protein content 80–90%
Moisture max. 9%
Carbohydrate 0
Fat 0
Cholesterol 0

*Glycemic index:
The glycemic index indicates the efficacy of the blood sugar of carbohydrates on a percentage basis. It describes the increase in blood sugar subsequent to the ingestion of certain foodstuffs compared with glucose.

Solutions for the Market

The GELITA Group focuses not only on the properties of collagen hydrolysate itself but anticipates the requirements of the market for successful, innovative and health supporting products such as health promoting confectionery, sports nutrition or wellness products.
For this purpose GELITA develops proactive product ideas as a special service to its customers.
On one hand, this could be enhanced traditional gelatine/collagen hydrolysate products such as fruit gums, yoghurts and desserts.
On the other hand, brand new products like sugar-free and low carb cereal bars have been created. Here sugar, normally used as a binding agent, can be partly or completely replaced by GELITA® Collagen Hydrolysate. The advantages are obvious: low-calorie and diabetic products are possible along with the possibility of new spicy tastes like curry or barbecue.
With the development of such almost ready to market Product concepts GELITA wishes to provide customers with basic ideas for new and successful business. This can be proactive on its own initiative but also in a strictly confidential partnership with a single customer if required

Fitness for an Active Life
