MSNBC - Food for thought: Can diet protect memory?

It is certain that certain food & herbs would help to improve memory, e.g. Ginko Nuts have been used by Chinese for few thousand years. It is noted that for Pig Brain mix with wild Ginseng..I will write more in my future article..

Food for thought: Can diet protect memory?
Smart eating choices may prevent age-related brain decline
By Molly Masland
Health Editor
Updated: 2:58 p.m. ET Dec. 6, 2004

As concern over Alzheimer’s disease grows, more Americans are turning to expensive and potentially unsafe supplements that claim to enhance memory. But prevention of age-related memory loss may be no further away than your refrigerator, and no more expensive than a bag of groceries, experts say.

With the aging population of baby boomers in the United States, more research is being done than ever before on diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Scientists are developing a better understanding of why memories fade, and along the way they are finding new ways to combat the decline.

For one thing, research increasingly suggests that diet may be important in preventing Alzheimer's.

Inside the aging process
As the brain ages, it loses the ability to protect itself from the barrage of commonplace dangers it faces every day, particularly inflammation and oxidation, a process which allows damaging free radicals to attach themselves to cells.Read More...
MSNBC - Food for thought: Can diet protect memory?
