Recipe For a Healthy Day-After the Holiday

Just to recap eat healthy foods is:

Eat More Vegetable, especially Green Vege
Eat Cereal, Oat meal, Bran
Eat More Fish
Eat less Meat
Eat More Seeds
Eat 5 color of fruit's
Drink More Water

This recipe is what I found from Stephen T. Sinatra M.D. email
SBC Yahoo! Mail - tanch89@pacbell.netRecipe For a Healthy Day-After the Holiday

Energizing Breakfast
2 Tbsp. flax seed, ground
1 cup 100% bran flakes
1 cup berries of choice (preferably organic)
1 8-oz container of fresh, organic yogurt-plain or vanilla
1 cup boiling water
1 1-inch stalk fresh ginger, sliced

In a cereal bowl, add bran flakes (fiber) and flax seeds (Omega-3 fatty acids) to yogurt (probiotics). Cover with berries (antioxidants) and enjoy a healthy breakfast. Meanwhile, steep ginger (digestive aid) in boiling water for 6-10 minutes. Pour into your favorite mug, and relax in your favorite chair with a good book for the next one to two hours. Stretch and breathe deeply for a couple of minutes.

Cleansing Lunch
1 bag fresh, organic salad greens or baby spinach
3 large sprigs parsley, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 8-oz SeaBear salmon filet, crumbled
2 Tbsp. olive oil
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
Salt and Pepper
1 cup boiling water
2 oz green tea, loose or bagged

Lay salad greens (chlorophyll, phytonutrients, and fiber) in a large salad bowl. Mix in parsley (heavy metal detoxifier) and garlic (immune booster). Top with salmon (omega-3 fatty acids — EPA and DHA). Combine lemon juice (bioflavonoids) and olive oil (monounsaturated fat) with salt and pepper to taste. Pour over salad. Eat slowly and enjoy with a cup of rejuvenating green tea (heart healthy flavonoids and polyphenols).

Refreshing Mid-afternoon Break
1 hr. nap (or meditation) in a quiet place
½ lemon, squeezed
1 16 oz. glass spring water
30 minutes of cardio-stimulating exercise

Settle down for a long winter’s nap in a quiet, peaceful place where there will be no distractions from the telephone, television or other outside interference. Wake up with a spring water (hydration)-lemon (internal cleanser) drink and a crisp walk, run, or other invigorating exercise—shopping doesn’t qualify!

Relax with a good movie, magazine, book…or play a game, whether it’s solitaire or a board game…anything that’s fun and relaxing will do.

Soothing Dinner
1 serving whole-grain pasta with red sauce of choice
2 servings cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower, or broccoli
1 glass red wine (optional)
8 oz premium dark chocolate

Prepare whole-grain pasta (fiber and slow burning carbohydrates) according to package directions and top with your favorite tomato-based sauce (heart healthy carotenoid). Steam cruciferous vegetables (anti-cancer) to desired tenderness and enjoy a light dinner with a glass of red wine (antioxidants). Finish with your favorite organic chocolate (antioxidants) for a satisfying end to a healthy and rejuvenating day!

Happy Thanksgiving.
