Rapeseed protein hydrolysates against HIV- Food Science Central from IFIS Publishing

There are still no definite medicine to heal Aids. This report is encouraging..

Rapeseed protein hydrolysates against HIV
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is one of the deadliest viruses in the world. Gene products required for virus replication are suitable targets for combating this disease. Currently, the most successful drugs target reverse transcription, which is an essential part of HIV infection. Other drugs have been developed that inhibit the production of HIV protease, which is required to assemble new virus particles.

It is thought that anti-HIV drugs directed against HIV protease may be the most promising. Those developed to date are substrate-based and function at the active site. They tend to be peptide mimetic compounds based on the substrate's primary sequence. However, the negative side-effects combined with the ability of the virus to mutate into drug-resistant forms have promoted the search for new HIV enzyme inhibitors, especially from natural sources.

Rapeseed is one of the most important oilseed crops worldwide. It is rich in protein, so defatted rapeseed meal may represent a good source of proteins for humans. In addition, rapeseed protein hydrolysates have various functional and nutritional properties, and may be a source of bioactive peptides with biological properties such as immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antithrombotic and antihypertensive effects. Read More....

Food Science Central from IFIS Publishing
