Healthy Carbs, Fats for Weight Loss - Trustworthy, Physician-Reviewed Information from WebMD

You see in the ancient days, the Kung Fu Master's all have a very simple & low Fat, less meat diet therefore most of them are in great health & good shape. I recommend the simplest things is to displine what you eat?? I will provide more advise in my later articles..
Healthy Carbs, Fats for Weight Loss
Study: Low-Glycemic Dieters Have Higher Metabolisms, Feel Fuller

By Salynn Boyles
Reviewed By Michael Smith, MD
on Tuesday, November 23, 2004
WebMD Medical News

Nov. 23, 2004 -- One of the pitfalls of dieting is that it decreases your metabolism, making it harder to burn calories. But focusing on foods that minimally affect blood sugar may be key to keeping your metabolism revved up.

A new study shows that dieters who decreased calories while concentrating on healthy fats and carbohydrates had higher metabolisms after 10 weeks of dieting. They also reported less hunger than dieters taking in the same number of calories who ate only low-fat foods.

The two groups lost similar amounts of weight. But the findings offer early evidence that eating a so-called low-glycemic diet may overcome the body's natural tendency to slow metabolism when calories are restricted. A low-glycemic diet emphasizes healthy fats and carbohydrates.

The findings are reported in the Nov. 24 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

"Almost anyone can lose weight in the short term -- very few keep it off in the long term," researcher David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, says. "That has given rise to the notion that the body has a 'setpoint' and that when you diet internal mechanisms work to restore your weight to that setpoint. A low-glycemic-load diet may work better with these internal biological responses to create the greatest likelihood of long-term weight loss."

No Bad Food Groups

The low-glycemic diet is now widely recommended for people who are at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Several very popular commercial weight loss plans, including the South Beach diet and Sugar Busters, are based on it.

Instead of banning whole food groups, the diet restricts carbohydrates that are rapidly digested and spike blood sugar and insulin levels. Carbohydrates, such as refined sugar, white bread, white rice, potatoes, fruit juices, and many commercial breakfast cereals are restricted on the diet. These carbohydrates are more likely to leave you feeling hungry shortly after eating.Read More...
Healthy Carbs, Fats for Weight Loss - Trustworthy, Physician-Reviewed Information from WebMD
